Switching Between Hex, Decimal, Octal or Binary

On the Event Display window the analyzer displays data in Hex by default. There are several ways to change the radixThe base of a number system. Binary is base 2, octal is base 8, decimal is base 10 and hexadecimal is base 16. used to display data.

Go to the Format menu and select the radix you want. A check mark next to the radix indicates which set is currently being used.

Event Display Formata

Format Menu

  1. Right-click on the data display header labels and choose a different radix.

    Event Display Data Header right click

    Header labels, right click

  2. Or right-click anywhere in the data display and select a different radix.

    Event Display Data Display Right Click

    Data display right click menu

If you want to see only the numerical values, click on the Numbers Only icon on the Event Display toolbar.

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